Gaya Warna Lentera Indonesia (GWL-INA)

GWL-INA is a national network in Indonesia for Gay Men, other Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender Women (Waria), in short GMT. GWL-INA is an independent network that supports Sexual and Reproduc-tive Health and Rights (especially STI & HIV AIDS prevention and treatment) programs in national and international levels, with priorities in community based empowerment and advocacy.
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Aksi Keadilan Indonesia

Aksi Keadilan Indonesia (AKSI) is a non-profit organization established to provide community-based legal assistance to people who use drugs and marginalised communities seeking justice. Since 2018, AKSI has provided legal empowerment and legal assistance especially in drugs cases that have dimensions of human rights violations. AKSI has the vision to promote legal equality as the foundation of justice for all Indonesian people.
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Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat (LBHM)

We are a collective of individuals who believe that every human has potential to actively participate in legal aid, to uphold justice, and to contribute to the protection of human rights. LBH Masyarakat believes in equality, non-discrimination, and acknowledgement of inherent human dignity. LBH Masyarakat defends the right of every human being without distinction on any backgrounds: ethnicity, religion, race, social status, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health situation, or other status.